Chaba Brewpub
About Chaba Brewpub
Nihao beer enthusiasts! We know the craft beer scene in China has been having a nice conversation for the last decade and a half, but Chaba’s here to butt in and change up the tone.
After a decade in the beer industry selling top imports from around the world, the Chaba team is taking the next step by diving into the world of local craft. The thing is, so many craft beer brands in China are just imitating global trends. We proudly engage with global brewing traditions, but Chaba is in Yunnan, a province deep in the Chinese heartland. Why would we look anywhere else for inspiration when we have such a rich natural and cultural landscape all around us to draw from? Chaba highlights local tastes and makes sure that our beers scream China and Yunnan from every glass.
To compliment our loud beers, we’ve also got a kitchen absolutely overflowing with delicious Dai dishes and Yunnan classics. Come for a meal that will have your tastebuds screaming YUNNAN!
As the name Chaba suggests, we are loud and proud. Proud of our region, proud of our history, and proud of our product. And when you believe in what you’re doing like we do, you want to be LOUD and tell the world about it! So kick back, enjoy your beer, and let yourself Chaba a bit, loud and proud.
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